Grafting The Olive Tree

The wild olive tree is not really of much value. It is small and unproductive. When it is cultivated properly, it produces beautiful and optimum fruit. In its wild form the olive tree must be grafted. That way it really becomes productive.

Apostle Paul in his writings, compared the olive tree with Israel and the Gentile nations. He wrote: If the first fruit is holy, so are the branches.

The olive tree symbolizes Israel and the wild olive tree symbolizes the Gentiles..

Most of the Jewish people, because of lack of faith, they have rejected Christ as the Messiah and Savior. So God broke them of the olive tree and has grafted into the tree Gentile believers. If they became arrogant and proud, He will brake them of the tree and replace them.

The unbelieving Jews are not eternally lost completely. If they repent for their sins and except Christ as the Messiah, they can still be grafted into the olive tree. Christ was truly the Messiah as it has been proved over and over in the New Testament.

We should think of God’s abundant love and mercy for us, as our salvation is upon us. Apostle Paul wrote: Work out your own salvation, because the Day of Judgement is coming.

Shaking and beating of the olives takes place during the harvesting for the extraction of the olive oil. This symbolizes us, who should be shaken up to repent of our sins and change our sinful way of life and adopt God’s way of life. To be converted we have to be shaken up and beaten down and crushed to produce the fruit of righteousness, the fruit of olive oil, the fruit of God’s everlasting Kingdom.

In the prophet Zechariah’s books, the Most believing servants were described as olive trees. Zechariah sees a lamp-stand of solid gold with a bowl and seven lamps with seven pipes. One olive tree stands at the right of the bowl and one olive tree on the left of the bowl. They are the two anointed ones who stand before God. The two who will serve the Lord like Moses did. If anyone tries to harm these men, fire will come out of their mouths and will destroy their enemies.

These two men are the “sons of fresh oil” olive oil. They are filled with the Holly Spirit and anointed by God to be the prophets of the end of time, who will strike the sinful and corrupted world.

The seven lamps symbolize the angels of the seven churches of God, which are related, but then again independent, with their own problems and weaknesses. They are all united at the base of the trunk.

You and I. Are we “sons of olive oil?” Let’s do good work, because the End Day is near. God always listens to our prayers. Let’s fill our hearts with the oil of the Holly Spirit of God!

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