Olive Oil The Super Food

La Tienda

It is proven, in many parts of the world that a high fat intake is associated with degenerative diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, atherosclerosis, asthma, high blood pressure etc.

In the United States where animal fats, hydrogenated fats, vegetable oils, are used in a regular diet, these diseases are blooming. In other parts of the world where olive oil, is the main fat intake, turns out that people have much-much lower rates of heart diseases, cancer, diabetes and serious diseases.

Along with vegetables, pasta, poultry and high consumption of olive oil and especially extra virgin olive oil the risk of death from all causes is significantly lower. Olive oil is a sign of  longevity.

Dr. Kontoyiannis and Dr. Panayiotakos conducted a study in Greece, proved that daily use of extra virgin olive oil, lowered the chances of heart diseases by 50%. The use ofolive oil during food preparation offers significant protection against many diseases.

Dr. Valavanidis in Greece said that such heart healthy effects from olive oil are due to its high content of monounsaturated fats, antioxidants including chlorophyl, carotenoids and the polyphenolic compounds tyrosol, hydrotyrosol all of which have free radical scavenging abilities and protect the vitamin E also found in olive oil.

Greek scientists at the University of Athens reporting a research in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, believe the synergy of all these beneficial nutrients is responsible for the olive oil’s contribution to health. Italian researchers supported the research.

Extra virgin olive oil is the super food of the heart. Instead of butter use extra virgin olive oil for your bread and vegetables. To add flavor add a little salt, pepper and garlic. Studies show that when olive oil replaces other fats, cholesterol levels dropped about 13% to 18%.

Remember “Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds”.
